Membership Classes

Current Membership Classes

All membership classes are Twelve (12) month memberships based on the anniversary join date.


  1. YOUNG EXECUTIVE MEMBERS shall be adults who have not reached the age of 35 before the calendar month that they join and once they reach the age of 35, they may not continue in this class. They shall have and enjoy all the privileges of The Club and shall have the right to vote and hold office. The dues, fees, minimums, and assessments will beset annually at the annual meeting or special meetings for all categories within this class.


  1. ACTIVE MEMBERS shall be adults who are between the ages of 35 and 70. They shall have and enjoy all the privileges of The Club and shall have the right to vote and hold office. The dues, fees, minimums, and assessments will be set annually at the annual meeting or special meetings for all categories within this class.


  1. NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS shall be adults with a permanent place of residence over 30 miles from the grounds of The Country Club. They shall have and enjoy all the privileges of The Club and shall have the right to vote and hold office. The dues, fees, minimums, and assessments will be set annually at the annual meeting or special meetings for all categories within this class.


  1. SENIOR MEMBERS shall be adults 70 years of age or older. They shall have and enjoy all the privileges of The Club and shall have the right to vote and hold office. The dues, fees, minimums, and assessments will be set annually at the annual meeting or special meetings for all categories within this class.


  1. LEGACY MEMBERS shall be members of The Club 80 years of age or older with at least 40 years of continuous membership (in any class). They shall have and enjoy all the privileges of The Club and shall have the right to vote and hold office. The dues, fees, minimums, and assessments will be set annually at the annual meeting or special meetings for all categories within this class.


  1. SOCIAL MEMBERS shall be adults 21 years of age or older. They shall have and enjoy all the privileges of The Club apart from golf privileges except to golf no more than once in any calendar month. This may be used as two nine-hole outing per month. This limitation does not include outside events. They shall have the right to vote and hold office. The dues, fees, minimums, and assessments will be set annually at the annual meeting or special meetings for all categories within this class.


  1. JUNIOR GOLF MEMBERSHIP shall be individuals between the ages of 13 and 18, or a full-time college student up to age 22, whose parents and/or legal guardians are not members of the Club. Junior golf members are subject to the application requirements of all members. Junior golf members shall have no voting rights nor a right to hold office. They shall be subject to golf tee times and guest privilege restrictions to be determined annually by the Board of Directors. All food, pro-shop, and other charges shall be paid on a cash basis. The dues will be set annually at the annual meeting or special meetings for this class.


  1. DINING MEMBERS shall be adults 21 years of age or older. Dining members will have limited access to certain dining areas and will not be entitled to golf or swimming privileges. They shall not have any voting rights or any right to hold office, All food, pro-shop, and other charges shall be paid on a cash basis, The dues, fees, minimums and assessments will be set annually at the annual meeting or special meeting for this class.


  1. CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP as a company sponsored membership. Company Members shall act as sponsors of individual members and shall be corporations, partnerships, or other legal business entities that may apply on an individual or group basis for membership in The Club. Sponsored individuals shall be subject to the normal bylaw application and approval process. Sponsored individuals must be owners or full-time employees of such organization who receive their primary income from such entity. The sponsored individual shall have and enjoy all the privileges of The Club and shall have the right to vote and hold office. Dues, fees, minimums, and assessments shall be governed by the respective membership class of the sponsored individual. The General Manager, Membership Director and the Board of Directors shall have the right to set certain dues, fees, minimums, and assessments for Corporate Memberships.